Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sticky Situation

I must be crazy! I took the kids to the school carnival by myself the other night. Mike was at the final dress rehearsal for the Temple Celebration, (he serves as the YM's 1st Counselor, which means he doubles as a cab driver for the youth, ha, ha).
I let my kids have pizza and soda for dinner. No big deal there, except Bekah spilled most of her fruit punch down her front. And then I let them have cotton candy. Oh what a mess. That stuff should be outlawed! And what they didn't eat I devoured until I realized, "Hey I'm going to give myself gestational diabetes if I don't quit eating all this sugar."
Bekah needed a good hose-down when we got home. And the others were pretty dirty too. But they had fun, that's the point right. Boy I really hate messes. I won't be sad when the messy stage of life ebbs a little.