Saturday, May 2, 2009

Don't Eat Crackers In My Bed!

Well, this morning I thought I'd run down to the computer to catch up on some overdue blogging. I wanted to accomplish this small task without the kids saying, "I want to get on the computer!" Mike isn't home to run interference for me (he's out playing in the rain with the Scouts - Service Project/Fundraiser.) So I carefully distracted all of them. I made some hot chocolate for Aaron - one of his favorite snacks to waste. And Emma is currently plugged into Saturday morning cartoons and Bekah is watching Dora (gag-me) The Explorer in my room. Hooray, I've been on the computer for about 10 minutes now without interruption, I spoke too soon...Ding! Time to go switch the laundry, so after catching up on many of my friends and family hilarious reads I dutifully go grab the clothes from the dryer.

When I come upstairs I see Bekah sitting on my bed in a mess of cheesy cracker crumbs. Ugggh! Of course she had an explanation. "Aaron brought me crackers in bed." Well to that I patiently explained, "Yes, but I don't like crumbs in my bed, look at this mess." She had a response for that one as well, "I love crumbs, yum." So I guess my payment for a little alone time on the computer is bedding full of cracker crumbs combined with cute quips from my 2 year old. I can handle that, the sheets needed to be changed anyway.