Saturday, May 2, 2009


The kids & I recently visited the dentist for our 6 month checkup. It was quite the procedure getting us all done on the same morning, but I preferred it that way - rather than spacing out each appointment. After Emma and I were done I ran her to school and Daddy stayed with Aaron and Rebekah. This was little Bek's first dentist appointment and she did wonderful. She let them count and even clean her teeth! So cooperative!

This was not Aaron's first dentist appointment obviously, but it was the first one were he sat in the chair alone! Good job Aaron! Unfortunately he didn't come away with good news. He has a couple of concerns and our dentist referred us to a pediatric dentist.

We saw him the other day - He's a great guy, and he'll be performing Aaron's upcoming outpatient surgery. Poor boy. Aaron needs two baby crowns and a deep filling that possibly could become the third crown. This will be our first visit to Primary Children's. Please keep Aaron in your thoughts and prayers.

Oh and don't ignore your flossing, apparently it really is that important. We are avid flossers now!