Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Oops, I Did It Again

This post is all about repeate mistakes I've made and some my children have made. Let's start with Bekah. I guess Bekah is the hair cutter in the family. Yep, she did it again! Last time it was her bangs right before school pictures and this time she wacked 'em off again, just in time for our family pictures. I hope they grow out soon!

The next mistake; Little children and sports don't mix! I signed Bekah up for soccer, (see His Way or The Highway, previous post to learn why Aaron wasn't interested - it's pretty hilarious). Anyway, she assured me she was interested and would participate. Apparently my 4 year old's idea of participation and her thirty-something mother's idea of participation are completely different things! Running around, (no where near the ball mind you), coming over to me for lots of drinks, frequent potty breaks and just plain old giving up half way through the game is NOT what I call playing soccer.

So why is this a repeat mistake? Because I did the same thing when Aaron was 4. I put him T-ball and he lasted 2 games before Emma, (who was very eager to play) finished the season for him.

This time when Emma went to cheer Bekah on, there wasn't much cheering.
Instead, there was a lot of this:

Emma: "Why doesn't she run after the ball?" "Mom, can I go out there and play if she won't?!"
and my favorite one so far, "Mom, you lied to me! You told me she was good!"

Well, I still think she's a good soccer player, for a 4 year old. But I did call and switch Bekah out for Emma, because it was obvious Bekah didn't really care about soccer right now. When I took Emma to play her first game on the older kids' team, HOLY COW it was like watching a completely different game. These kids are good! These kids are competitive! These kids actually run after the ball! They get in there and they score! AND there's even a goalie!

As for my other repeat mistake, I took the kids to the mall again, (see previous post).
And this time we took Mo too. More on those adventures tomorrow.