Friday, February 25, 2011

Mall Rats

The Story you're about to read is hilarious, unless you've been there before as most of us moms have, and then it might bring a tear of frustration to your eye too.

Sometimes I don't think I have enough energy for this gig!

Yesterday my friend called and needed a favor. Could I take her little girl for the afternoon? Sure! The only thing I had planned was a quick trip to the mall to pick us some matching ties for Mike and Aaron...(Family Pictures). Would she mind if I took her too? Of course not, as long as it wasn't asking too much of me. Oh no, it would be fun! Mike was working from home so he could be here with the baby while she napped and I would take Aaron, Bekah and Bekah's friend. A little trip to the mall would be a harmless, fun filled afternoon, right?

Well as soon as we got there they immediately wanted to climb aboard the carousel. I didn't bring money for that kids, sorry. We had only pressed on a few feet before we were each presented with a sample of teryaki chicken on a toothpick. What is this, they all whined. It's chicken, just eat it.

The escalators! This was an adventure that I've now learned, I can only manage with two children not three. We ended up taking the elevator.

They ran straight to the little dinosaur playground, when I regretfully had to end their fun by announcing I really, really needed to use the restroom and they would be forced to come with me because I was the only adult on this excursion. In the bathroom the girl's managed to unscrew one of the soap bottles from underneath the counter and I kept calling out, "You're all still in here right?" Gosh Mom - you're supposed to go before we leave the house!

Then we made our way to the dinosaur playground. Oh, so much fun! And then, sadly, it had to come to an end. But not without a good bribe in there. "If you guys are good in the tie shop, I'll get you a cookie." They eagerly agreed and then everyone put on their shoes. Off we go.

The tie shop, well, let me just say this, it's right across from a water fountain/wishing well area and with that being said, I think you'll understand why they never set foot in the tie shop. But I could see them as I quickly picked out two ties that would compliment the girls' Easter attire.

While I paid for the ties my back was turned and I must have missed the action, because the next thing I know Aaron's shirt is all wet and he's waddling like he's had an accident. Nope, no accident...(well, not that kind at least). Yep, you guessed it. HE FELL IN THE WATER FOUNTAIN!

Was that the end of our fun adventure? Oh no. Well, as promised I took them over to Mrs. Field's, but not before making Aaron return the coins he had retrieved from the pool. Oh, and this time we took the escalator! Going up is much easier apparently.

At Mrs. Field's they each chose a cookie and I handed over my card. WHAT did you say? You don't take that card. Great! Come on kids let's go, all the while trying to explain what had just happened, when I just know Aaron was probably thinking - is this because I fell in the fountain?

So we settled for an Orange Julius instead. As I handed the kids each of their little cups I instructed them not to spill, (why do I waste my breath saying this?) As Bekah was climbing into her chair what did she do? She spilled her drink all over the floor! Oh boy. I took her cup, a little embarrassed by now, just in case anyone had witnessed our siege of terror on the mall. I walked back over to the lady and asked if she had any extra she could give her because of the spill, she graciously filled her back up and we sat down to enjoy our little treat.

We all had a content look on our faces, the children: because their tummies were now full of yummy, sugary goodness and me: because this outing was almost over and then I could go home and lay down!

Then it was time to go and we had to again walk past the carousel, where I had to again remind them I didn't bring money for that. Once we were in the van I said, "Okay are we ready to take your friend home?"

"NO!" Came many little adamant shouts from the back of the vehicle. "We haven't had a chance to play yet!"

What do you call what we just did in the mall? Oh right, that wasn't "play" - that was a disaster!

But for some strange reason, I still had fun. When can we go back?