Sunday, March 27, 2011

Growing Pains

I'm having growing pains. Not personally, thank goodness. I'm all done growing physically (I hope) in fact I'm working on making my body smaller, not bigger. My Children. I kind of touched on this a little when I was posting about Emma's birthday. I'm having a hard time with just how quickly life seems to be traveling these days. I mean one minute I have a baby, then suddenly I have 4! How did that happen? Okay, before I get any weird e-mails, I know how that happened! I just mean, how did that happen so fast. One minute I'm overjoyed because my baby learned how to crawl, the next minute I'm reading her book reports! One minute I'm coaxing my son into his nursery class, the next minute I'm watching him run off to kindergarten without even a wave goodbye! One minute I'm holding Bekah on my lap, the next minute I'm still holding Bekah on my lap...but she's a lot heavier, (she's 4). One minute I'm giving birth to my babiest baby, and then next minute she's telling me "NO!" See what I mean? My father-in-law warned me this would happen! After Emma was born he said, "Now don't blink, because the next thing you'll know, she will be graduating." My mom always used to say, "...just wait 'til they start school, then it will really fly by!" And to tell you the truth I thought they were both full of it! But we all think that as brand new parents don't we!? I mean, we're sleep deprived, our schedule, our life, our "normal" has been totally turned upside down and inside out by this small creature, there's poopy diapers around the clock, toys now invade our living space and I'm supposed to "treasure these moments" because they'll go by fast?! They didn't seem to be going by fast enough at the time! What are all the grandparents smoking? Okay, okay! Now I believe you. And though I'm not too eager to go back to the newborn phase, I am taking in every moment I can with Moriah, our babiest baby. Because now I believe you, mom, dad, aunts, uncles, everyone that warned me this would happen. I understand now, you weren't lying, you weren't just being nostalgic. It really does go by fast! Thanks for the warning, even though it seems very hard to believe at the time the warning is given. I'll try to cherish the next phase of life even more!