Sunday, March 27, 2011

I Don't Know Much...

You know the lyrics to that song: "I don't know much...but I know I love you"? I must admit, sometimes I feel that way as I'm raising the next generation. I don't always understand everything they do, I don't know why they do what they do, (other than creative imaginations and to get a good laugh out of mom and dad). BUT I do KNOW that I love them! Here's a perfect example of what I'm talking about. I told Aaron to go get dressed and he came back wearing his pants on his head and he had stuck his legs in his shirt sleeves and wore that like pants-slash- skirt. Did I let him leave the house like that? No way! But maybe I should have...some lessons would be better learned if I didn't protect them from the natural consequence. Like people staring! I did manage to take a few pictures though, for the blog, and future blackmail when he's a teen. Hey, I may not know much, but I do remember the teen years, I will be well stocked with plenty of embarrassing material to coax them into doing my bidding.