Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Midnight Snack

I don't usually get up in the middle of the night with a growling tummy, searching the cupboards for something sweet. But tonight I did.

Sometimes when I turn in early I suffer the consequence by waking up, also very early! But last night I was just completely wiped and couldn't keep my eyes open any longer no matter how I tried! I started the day by shoveling our drive way (which is much bigger now that we have the side pavement) and a friend's drive way, (with Bekah's help). I caught up on all the laundry I had ignored last week, we had 3 different friends over (playdates) and I fed 2 of them dinner. Aaron got a weird fever in the middle of the day, ya know the kind where they're burning up from tummy to head but their feet are like blocks of ice? So, I was worried about him too - that always drains me a little. I've been fighting a cold for the last several weeks and every time I feel like I'm getting over it, I wake up with nasty cold symptoms again...come on! By the time 8:30 rolled around, I was exhausted.

I must have slept very deeply, because by 3 am I was wide awake. I had also made brownies that night, so I wandered into the kitchen ready to cut off a bite or two. But when I checked the pan, no brownies!! Where did they go? Oh ya, there's 5 other people in this family. Then it hit me, Emma didn't finish her brownies, she took a few bites then said, "EWW, I don't like brownies." Where was her bowl, did Mike already get to it? Ah-Ha! Mike didn't see it, her left over brownies were all mine (mad scientist laugh)! So I stuffed me face and feeling very satisfied (yummy sigh) with the taste of chocolate on my tongue I went back to bed. An hour later I got up for the day. I can't sleep. I might as well go strap on my running shoes and hit the treadmill.

Time to work off all the brownies.