Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Two Jobs

Sometimes I feel like I have two jobs. Being a full time mom and writing. I love both jobs, but I can't go to job number 2, until job number 1 settles down a little bit. "Settles down" translates into baby napping, other children playing DOWNSTAIRS - where I can still hear the chaos they ensue but it doesn't totally interupt my genuis at work - I'm laughing even as I write this.

The baby has been so sick and not napping well, and the kids for some strange reason don't always appreciate being banished to the basement! Go figure. But I have managed to organize some of my many scattered thoughts into two rough chapters. And I've even sent them off to my editor. Thank you Dana.

Remember I'm looking for hilarious and heartwarming stories (even the sad ones) if you'd like to contribute. For now, baby is crying in the other room so I'm punching back in as "Mom" and hanging up my hat as "Writer."

And don't think I haven't noticed, neither one of these is a paying gig...yet.