Thursday, January 13, 2011


I'm the first one to admit, I'm not all that up to date on the latest texting abbreviations and acronyms, but I do know TMI means Too Much Information! And this post contains just that...

Too Much Information!

So if you're easily grossed out or have a weak stomach please turn off your computer and walk away now. If not, by all means keep reading. You've been warned!

(Grandma, it's really not that gross.)

Mike was reading a friend's blog the other day and he got this idea from them, (just so you know we're not claiming this one). Here goes...I always lose a ton of hair after having a baby (lots of women do - it's pretty common, but it still sucks) and instead of letting it clog the drain I just pull it out in the shower and stick it on the wall and every day or two I wipe off all the hair and throw it away. Well, the other day I was in the shower and noticed that my hair stuck to the marble tub surround looked a lot like a heart! And then I looked harder and I read these words:

I (heart) U! - spelled out it my hair!
It's both gross and hilarious, sorry about the TMI but it definitely gets a good laugh.
As a funny sister story to this one - the other day I pulled up to see "I love Gail" scrawled in the snow, huge as life written across the side of Mike's Expedition. I came in the house and kissed Mike and declared very excitedly, "I love it!"
"Love what?" He said dumb founded.
Come to find out that was not the work of my romantic hubby, it was my daughter, Emma.
Thanks Emma! I love you too!
Here's a picture of the hair if you're not too squeamish: