Thursday, September 16, 2010

Bad Day

On an already BAD day (the sad thing is it was only 10:30am)
I got out of the shower to discover this, more evidence of Kippy's handiwork:

( Her bangs with lotion mixed in to boot!)

But how do could I stay mad at her with a face like this:

The plus side of this story is two part, 1. She only cut her bangs. (Granted it was the bangs we were trying to grow out) and 2. She may have cut them really short, but she actually did a really good job, I had very little "fixing" to do. She even managed to cut them along her slant and she has a swirl at the top of her forehead that's helping lay back and nicely.

Yes, that's my attempt at looking on the bright side...something I should do more often, especially as a mother of four curious, independent, sassy, naughty, and deceptively cute children!

Sassy?! Ya, sassy. Here she is yelling at Mommy to move out of the way.

I was blocking Sharkboy and Lavagirl.

It's been a bad day. Nine times out of ten Mo screams when I put her down and this morning wasn't any different. So getting ready to go out for our walk was not pleasant. Aaron was fighting me about his show and tell, Emma was growling at me because apparently I "pull" her hair every time I do it, (even though I really do try not to), the toilet was clogged and was NOT unclogging anytime soon. The kids want to watch Sharkboy & Lavagirl for the 5th time in 2 days, I learned distressing news (I'm not blogging about), called Mike to vent, Mo won't take a nap, and I'm desperately craving something chocolatey and bad for me and our house is currently void of any sugar...

I'm not happy! Better call Mike again and tell him I need some chocolate...STAT!