Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Here's the EVIDENCE & The Victim:

And now, the culprit...

Yes, it's sad but true! How could this adoring big sister be capable of such a heinous crime?
Well, here's the story, apparently you have to be very literal with an almost 4 year old. I was feeding Mosey some applesauce and there were 3 little spoonfuls left. I asked Kippy, (Bekah) if she would feed the baby the rest of the applesauce while I jumped in the shower.
I didn't know she was going to feed her the rest of the applesauce in the house!! When I came out I got a big surprise! When are they going to start surprising me with flowers or candy. I'm tired of messes and it makes for really conflicting parenting tactics when I'm scolding Kippy one minute and then having her pose next to the MESS the next. Oh well, I guess even the pros are taking pictures of their crime scenes...BUT I highly doubt they are then going to go blog about how "cute" it was later.