Tuesday, June 16, 2009


I've been really sick, and I'm not posting any pictures with this entry for that reason. I caught a cold from Bekah, but mine developed into a pneumonia. Of course when I saw the doc, we couldn't confirm my suspicions - pregnant women need to avoid the x-ray machine. But, I've had pneumonia before, I know what it feels like and it kicks your butt!

I was so completely out of it this week, I don't know how we managed. Mike couldn't leave work, he had too much to do getting everything ready to pass off to the person who will absorb his responsibilities when he moves on. So, I had to fend for myself and the house is a bit of a disaster to show for it. I was able to feed my kids, make sure they didn't run away while I was resting and they watched a good deal more TV than normal, we'll blame that on all the rain as well as Mom's illness. But I'm finally feeling better even though I still cough roughly a thousand times a day. Three words...Being sick Bites!