Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Fish Heaven

As many of you know we've been busy working in the backyard. I'm happy to say we now have grass!! But it didn't come without a few sacrifices, such as; sore muscles and backs, a constantly dirty kitchen floor from all the dirt and dust being tracked in, and sad to say one casualty.

Our female beta, Cheesey didn't make it. During one of the days I was spending a lot of time in the backyard, I sent the kids in the watch a movie so they could get a break from the sun, but I continued my work outside. Well, the movie didn't hold their interest very long, and when I came in I had quite a little mess on my hands. The fish tank had been opened and the little rocks, along with a good deal of water was all over my kitchen counter, oh as well as a helpless fish gulping for breath. That was our male, Jack. He pulled through, but apparently Cheesey who was spent a bit more time outside the tank wasn't as lucky.

I explained to the kids what happened, we took her to the toilet and lovingly sent her to Fish Heaven.