Monday, August 30, 2010

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Our First Garden!
I was ready to call it a huge success - that was before our intense lightning and hailstorm early this morning. Thankfully we snapped this pic last night...before the decimation! The storm ruined my east flowerbed, (which I was mostly growing as a "test kitchen" anyway to see what I like and what grows well in my soil.) And sadly, it destroyed our garden. We won't have any grape tomatoes and I'll be really surprised if we turn out any regular tomatoes. (Thanks Kathi for sharing yours this year - I LOVE garden tomatoes!) We picked our corn too late anyway, so I wasn't too worried about those guys, we did end up with enough for one dinner. But the carrots, oh the carrots, we harvested those tonight for FHE...the kids had so much fun and they were our one success...a HUGE-ORANGE success, check it out:

Mosey, right before she ate some dirt ... Babies!
Always eating things they're not supposed to!
Drives me crazzzzy!
In this picture she's chewing on a corn husk...see what I mean?
Our huge, ORANGE success!

Just look at that pile of carrots! I'm proud of you guys. You and Dad planted an awesome garden and Mom faithfully watered every day.

Aaron is holding the winner for fattest carrot, Bekah is holding the weirdest shape - we decided hers looked a lot like a nice pair of legs, and Emma is holding the winner for the longest carrot!

I found this poem in my book, The LDS Mother's Almanac
by Janene W. Baadsgaard (but I don't know if she wrote the poem).
I found it rather fitting for this post.
I'm thinking of planting a garden.
I don't know what size or what shape.
I've never planted a garden before,
I don't know what depth or what space.
Have you seen the seeds of a carrot,
Like flecks of dust in my hand?
Can this tiny, crying baby
Really someday become a man?
I'm thinking of planting a garden.
I don't know the best time to sow.
Who will be the water and sunshine
So my tiny seedlings will grow?
Have you seen the size of a woman
Like flecks of love in his hand?
Can you see the circle of families
As numerous as grains of sand?
I'm thinking of planting a garden
With stars, moon, and sun in my hand.
I will harvest the sons and daughters
Of the master gardener of man.