Saturday, August 7, 2010

Quotable Kids Part III

When it comes to raising kids, my mother-in-law gave me some really good advice . . . she said write everything down! And I've tried to do just that. It's true there are many things that have now been forgotten because I thought, "Oh, I'll remember that - at least until I can right it down later tonight or tomorrow when I have time." And then guess what, it's gone, gone, gone ... and for the life of me I cannot remember what they said that was so cute, so hilarious, or so precious. I'd blame my mommy's brain (it's already crammed with my schedule, Mike's schedule, and 4 little monsters'), BUT Mike does it too.

So here's a little taste of what I've been writing down during the past few days:

While driving in the car, Emma to Mom, "MOM! Turn up the radio! I love this song ... I don't know it, but I like it!"

Aaron to Bekah while playing with toys, "Bekah, hurry the boat is about to leave, hurry Bekah it's going to toot in 5 seconds."

And probably one of the most profound things I've ever heard Aaron say (so far),
"I wouldn't be here (on Earth) without you Dad."

It's true.

If nothing else Mom and Dad did 5 things right. 1. We found eachother! 2. Emma
3. Aaron 4. Rebekah and 5. Moriah!

Rebekah's been saying the funniest things lately, and because I've neglected to write them down, they're gone . . . better start carrying a notebook around everywhere.

(It'd be a good idea.)

Aaron knows what I'm blogging about right now, so he's insisting I write down that he just said,
"Michael can I have a cookie? Mom, write it down."
Okay Aaron there it is. Now go to bed, it's 10 o'clock!

(It's Saturday)