Saturday, August 7, 2010

Back 2 School

Goodbye Preschool! Hello Kindergarten
Emma gives Aaron a hug goodbye before she heads over to her 2nd grade.
He LOVES kindergarten! And he's doing so well.
We're proud of you Aaron! I thought I might cry a few times,
but I held it together. I remember I was ready to turn cartwheels when Emma started.
I'm still excited for him, but this was a little bit harder, in some ways he seems too little to be going to school, but in other ways he's grown up so much - every time we have a conversation his topics and the way he communicates now reminds me he's definitely a little kindergartener!
Aaron you're growing up . . . stop it!
He's so excited!
He started school with one missing tooth.
During his first week he lost another one!
Now he can stick his tounge through this gap in his bottom teeth ...
it's pretty cute.

Aaron walking with Emma on her first day of 2nd Grade.
(They started on different days) ... at first I thought that would be a little annoying,
but it was actually really nice - they each got their own special first days!
I love watching them walk to school together!
This picture especially tugs at my heart.
I LOVE them SO much . . . but I must admit,
the house it a little quieter now that we've started school,
you won't hear any complaints here.