Saturday, December 4, 2010


My little boy is six!
I blinked my eyes and he went from that chunky-chunky baby to a skinny little man. He has my eyes and my straight hair, but I see so much of his father in him - especially when they sit side by side. Here he is sitting, (um I mean standing) on our traditional birthday rock. We've done this with our kids since Emma's very 1st birthday - it's one of my favorite traditions. One day it will be really cool to spread out 18 little birthday rock pictures on the table and watch how they grew up - (very quickly we're learning).

I love this picture...Aaron getting ready to blow out his 6 glowing candles!

Thanks Mom and Dad, it's just what I needed.

THANKS Mom & Dad...
(a bit more excited this time!)

Blow 'em out kiddo!
Aaron - I love the way you always like to figure things out. You definitely got that from your father. If something needs assembling, repair, or attachments put-on I'm now beginning to fear that you and your father are going to start fighting over who gets to fix it.
(But I love it! ... now let me go find that Honey Do list and you guys can get started.)
I love your eyes! It's such an incredible feeling to look into your eyes and see my eyes staring back at me. I love your mischievious little grin and the way your hair has that natural cowlick upfront - it's pretty cool to tell you the truth.
I love the way you've started to reason through things now. I love listening to your explanations of how things work and your elaborate definitely have a gift for fixing things but you would also make a good writer!
My baby boy is growing up so's truly bittersweet.
In some ways I really miss carrying you around on my hip all day, but then I do that with Mosey all the time and I have to admit, watching you run around instead of carrying you everywhere is a little easier on my back!
I love you so much Aaron!
Happy Birthday!
Love, Mom