Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Wild Emma!

I love parent teacher conference! I especially love it when I come away with a funny story about my kids. Now, if you don't know Emma very well than this story may need a little more set up, but since most of the readers of this blog (all twelve of you) know her pretty well, I'll forgo the dramatic-build.

Her teacher told me, "Please don't be offended, but I kind of have a funny story about Emma." I assured I wouldn't get offended and to please proceed...(funny story - PLEASE tell - anything I can tease her about later in life, especially during those tween & teen years!)

She said, "One day I was calling for Emma, but she was in another room, so the kids asked her to specify, 'Which Emma?' Our Emma...the only one in our class, (that doesn't happen too often), to which the kids replied, 'Oh, Wild Emma!' "

I love that story! But I started thinking about why the kids saw it fitting to call her "Wild Emma." Could it be her animated personality? Or the way she kind of bounces around everywhere instead of just walking (most little kids do this - Aaron prefers to literally bounce off pieces of furniture or toy totes), or is it her hair? The wavey hair she sports so beautifully after we've braided and braided and braided the night before to produce what we like to call the "Lion Hair."

I love that girl! I love her energy, I love her child's zest for life! I especially love that her "energy" doesn't really come in the form of making messes anymore. It's more geared toward her passions - reading, fashion, writing stories, making new friends, art and theater (I'm including movies in there). Emma when you read this, (and yes I plan on making you sit down and read this), I hope you will know your Mother loves you so much!

Wild Emma will do just fine for now. But once you enter Junior High I must insist on a new knickname...

I'll tell you why later.