Friday, March 15, 2013

Just Call Him Super-Boss

I don't really have a picture to accompany this post, (unless I go snap one of Michael on his laptop), but this really does deserve mentioning in the family blog.  Just imagine as you read this announcement, I'm dancing around, snapping my fingers, wiggling my curvy hips - got the visual?  Okay, here goes:

He got a BIG promotion, he got a BIG promotion,
he got a BIG promotion,
wiggle, wiggle, shake, snap!
Things I've noticed about the change:
1.  He likes it when we call him boss.
2.  He works more, which is only hard right now because
he's also finishing up his last semester of school so he's super busy.
3.  He didn't think he'd enjoy people leading vs. project leading,
but he's actually very good at it.
4.  He loves his job much more now than when he first joined this department.
5.  He can work from home but it's kind of pain in the butt because he's always on a conference call, so we have to be quiet.  (Have you ever tried to keep Mo quiet when she's on a rampage? 
It isn't pretty.)
6.  He takes more calls at strange hours to accommodate, Taiwan, India, Australia, England...etc.
7.  Even though he doesn't work with anyone in Salt Lake City, he still dresses up for work,
yay - more iroing for me.
8.  Oh, and did I mention he likes it when we call him boss?
This post is a little late coming, he's been the big boss for a month now, but we wanted
to tell him how proud we are!  Keep up the good work honey!
We love you!