Friday, March 15, 2013

Double Digit Midget

Emma's teacher likes to call the students that turn 10, "Double Digit Midgets".
Emma loves the nickname.  Would you like to know what her parents don't love?
The fact that she's 10 already and it seems like yesterday I was in the hospital giving birth to this crazy girl.  Do this again and she's 20!  Mike's father warned me not to blink, because they grow up just that fast.  Looks like he was right.  Love you Emma, (even with your rapid growth rate)!
Here's 10 Things We Love About You:
1.  Your wit and humor
2.  Your creativity
3.  Your gorgeous smile
4.  Your laugh
5.  Your good grades
6.  Your beautiful hair
7.  Your personality
8.  Your little sprinkle of freckles
9. Your style
10.  Your amazingly strong testimony
You're a wonderful girl
and we love you so much!
Happy Birthday

(I like how Aaron's cheeks are filled with air, ready to assist his sister should she need any help.)