Monday, April 25, 2011

April Fool's Has Gone To The Dogs

April Fool's Day is a glorious excuse to play really good practical jokes on my family and friends. Usually, I don't bother trying to "get" Mike because he knows me so well. So I had pretty much assumed that pulling the wool over my hubby's eyes was impossible. But not this year. Oh I got him so good!!! Read on if you appreciate a good practical joke, are a fan of April Fool's Day or just want to hear about Mike gettin' tricked!

April Fool's Day was on a Friday this year. So, on Thursday I started talking about this dog I "found"on It was a little Pomeranian, so cute, it had all of it's shots and I really, really wanted to go pick it it was free to a loving home. Mike of course says, "No." Meanwhile I keep talking it up like it was a good idea and I made sure to leave the conversation open, hoping he understands just how much I want this dog.

The day before I had talked to our neighbor down the street, who happens to own a cute, little Pomeranian. I asked her if we could "borrow" her dog around 5pm on Friday for a twenty minutes or so, just long enouch to convince Mike I had got a dog. She said I could and agreed it was a pretty good trick.

Friday comes and at 12:30pm I call Mike. This is how it played out:

Me: "Hi Honey, call me before you leave work today because we have a surprise for you."

Mike: "Oh. Okay then this is me calling you because I'm leaving early today."

Me (to myself): "Oh crap - I hope the dog's available."
Me (to Mike): "Okay see you soon."

I run down to see if I can get the dog earlier than expected now. Thankfully he was available but only for the next few minutes because the owner was leaving soon. We just barely made it!

Mike pulled up and I pretty much dragged him to the backyard to witness the surprise. While he was on his way home the kids and I had enough time to work up a little story: "This was our new dog, it's a girl and we named her Peaches. We picked her up this morning while he was at work and she was free." The kids did a great job of playing along.

Mike was beside himself! This is how the rest of the joke played out:

Mike sees the dog: "What is that?!"

Me and the kids: "It's our new dog, Peaches."

Mike: "No. No. It has to go back! You did this with the cat Gail!"

Me: "Mike it will be fine. It's a little dog, which means little poops. The kids and I will take care of her."

Mike: "No. No. NO! I don't want a dog! Ya, little poops which means you don't see it until...oops too late, you've stepped in it. NO. NO. NO."

Me: "Kids, what were we supposed to tell Daddy if he got mad."

Mike (finger pointed at me and in a hushed tone): "Don't suck them into this..."

Me and Kids: "April Fool's! That's not Peaches it the neighbor's dog, Pippin!"

Mike (red face now erased, vein in forehead back to normal size and not pulsing anymore): Oh, that's Pippin. Come here Pippin! Good dog."

We're still talking about it! It was a pretty good trick. In fact Mike saw our neighbors walking Pippin the other day and he shouted out his window:

"Hey that's my dog!"