Monday, March 29, 2010


My Babies!

I didn't know it would be this hard or this rewarding!
I remember people telling me, (or warning me rather) about how hard motherhood would be. And truthfully, I usually dismissed their comment, thinking to myself, well they must have done something wrong, because I'm going to be the best mother ever AND it's not going to be hard! Well, guess what Gail? It's really hard! In case you're wondering what I'm talking about:

1. The Messes!
2. The Noise - My kids have a way of piercing ear drums, it's a talent they all have.
3. Diapers! And then as a goodbye bonus to no more diapers, Potty Training!
4. The FIGHTING! The TEASING! The Whining! All The DRAMA. Give me a break!
5. When they wake up the baby.
6. Stepping on toys (with barefeet mind you)...OUCH!
7. Stepping on toys - this time with shoes on, so no sore feet, but now I've broken another toy.
8. When they embarass me in public.
9. Stained clothing! Broken dishes! Spit-Up & Sticky handprints - on everything, including me.
10. This deserves mentioning again - ALL the messes! I really hate messes. But I also hate cleaning the house All day long so I've learned to live with it.

But I also remember people telling me how wonderful it would be. This is what I choose to focus on. It helps me remember why I became a mom!
These 20 things make the other 10 worth totally worth it!

1. Those Tight Hugs & Little Kisses!
2. Teaching moments - the ones where you actually see them learning!
3. Watching them play pretend.
4. Watching them take their first steps.
5. Listening to them explain their feelings, good or bad.
6. Teaching them the Gospel! And hearing their testimonies at home or at church.
7. When they fall asleep on me.
8. The first day of school.
9. Taking them shopping. For clothes - NOT toys. (See previous post for my reason why!)
10. Family road trips, vacations, and swimming together.
11. Snuggling.
12. Holding their little hand in mine.
13. Going to Grandma's house.
14. Making a treat together.
15. Pushing the stroller, (when they're not crying in it).
16. Driving carpools.
17. Watching them get really good at something - Practice, Practice, Practice.
18. Introducing them to a new sibling!
19. Cooking together. But this has to be done with one child at a time OR it gets too crazy.
And finally...
20. Looking into their little faces and seeing part of Mike and part of me smiling back!