Sunday, December 16, 2012

The Perspective of a Child

Leave it to children to put things into perspective.

Moriah (3)

Little Mo recently received some significant road rash on her arm. She was not too fond of the scab and kept saying, "Get it off! Get it off!" I took each opportunity to remind her that Heavenly Father and Jesus made her body so it would get better all by itself and the scab is how that happens. A few days later, when her arm was feeling better, she excitedly announced to her brother, "Aarno!" (She either calls him Aarno or Aarna.) "Jesus made my arm feel better!"

Rebekah (6)

Bekah offers some of the sweetest prayers I have heard. The other night she gave a thankful prayer. Amongst the many things for which she thanked her Heavenly Father were her heart and heaven. She thanked Him "for my heart, so I can live" and "for heaven, so the dead people can have a place to stay until they live again."

Aaron (8)
Aaron also prays from his heart, and sometimes it catches me off guard. The kids recently saw part of a scary movie with a babysitter and it really got to Aaron. I assured him that he could ask Heavenly Father for help, so he did. "Please help me to not be such a chicken."

Emma (9) Bekah recently did something because her friend, Lydia, wanted to do it. Afterward, Emma and Bekah were having a discussion about making good choices and peer pressure and the like. Out of nowhere, Emma asked, "What are you going to do when Lydia starts drinking?" Gail assured her that Lydia was not going to start drinking, to which Emma retorted, "You don't know that. You don't know the future."