Saturday, December 31, 2011

Gingerbread Houses and Sugar Cookies

Our "gingerbread" houses are actually made with graham crackers...but you get the point.

We packed a lot of fun into Christmas Eve.

A party at Grandpa's house, gingerbread house building/decorating, and then we made cookies for Santa. It's a good thing Santa was pre-wrapped this year because he and Mrs. Claus were exhausted after ALL the Christmas activities. We normally don't pack so much into one day, but the stomach flu hit Mo and Mom before Christmas. And then the nasty bug made an ancore preformance for the other members of the family the day after Christmas.

What's that old saying, "It just isn't Christmas unless someone's crying or pukin'!"

Our super cutie didn't have the attention span to decorate a house,

in fact if you check out the next pic, you can tell how she spent her time:

...looking for any candy that may have fallen onto the floor.

The finished product, (antlers included free of charge).

Mike made an pretty incredible igloo this year.

I LOVE Christmas!